Wednesday, July 22, 2009

NASA and Benevolence

There's an article on IRIN entitled "The art of predicting Rift Valley Fever outbreaks". NASA is doing the predicting. Now why the hell would NASA be interested in doing that?

Granted, Rift Valley Fever is a big problem, but why should problems in the (East African) Rift Valley be of interest to NASA. NASA is interested in military matters and outer space and propaganda that are related to the US but diseases that affect animals and animal owners in East Africa?

The article doesn't answer these questions. It simply makes it clear that NASA is collecting detailed geographical information about East Africa (that also happens to relate to Rift Valley Fever).

In case you're worried, they are not just confining their data collection to East Africa, or to Rift Valley Fever. I hope that makes you feel better., Sphere: Related Content

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